The World DanceSport Federation points out to the National Member Bodies that the first stage of qualifying for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games must be open to all breakers and without any restrictions other than the age range.
WDSF salutes the efforts made by the NMBs to tie their 2017 national breaking championships in with the qualifying for the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. This has been done by DanceSport Australia. It is planned to be done by others too. Let's take today's Danish Breaking Championship as an example. Because one important concept of the IOC-approved Qualification System must be respected at all times!
The 2017 Danish Breaking Championship - held under the auspices of Danmarks Sportsdanserforbund - is in progress in Aarhus today. Of the five best b-boys and the five best b-girls in the final standing for youth born 2000 to 2002, the organisers around René Brix and the Aarhus Sportsdanserforening record a 45-second video for #breakingforgold, the digital qualifying for the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games. There is nothing wrong with that - it's even commendable - but only as long as the following is respected too:
All Danish b-boy/girls have the right to submit a video to independently from today's championship and to pursue Stage One qualifying on their own. The standing of the national championship does not per se qualify anyone to move on to Stage Two qualifying for 2018 YOG.