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Taking The Digital Step Towards The 2018 YOG


Breaking for Gold © getty imagesThe World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) rolls out its www.breakingforgold.com platform, where b-boys and b-girls upload videos showing their best breaking skills to take the first step on the road to the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games (BAYOG). The digital stage of the BAYOG qualifying process aspires to be open to all breakers in the appropriate age range, without restrictions such as membership in WDSF and/or other organisations, and without any formal sanction by national sporting authorities. 

It lies in the nature of breaking, a street dance that originated in the 1970s among inner-city youths in the United States, that a good part of it is practised outside of rigid structures, without any imposition of governance. To accommodate that even the most free-spirited b-boys/girls born between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2002 get their shot at qualifying for BAYOG, WDSF came up with the concept of “digital qualifying.” All the young breakers need to do is submit a 45-second video recording of a set performed to basic rules and to music provided by well-known DJs. They have until 31 July to upload their video file to Breaking for Gold together with a parental-consent form and proof of age.

An unofficial popularity contest between the entries starts as soon as a minimum of videos per country and per gender are on the platform. The standings that are established on the basis of the public expressing its appreciation for a given number of entries do not have any official character whatsoever.

The decision on the five b-boys and the five b-girls – per country – who will be eligible to enter the second stage of qualifying is taken solely by expert judges. Starting 1 August and working online from their respective countries, the ten members of what is the most illustrious judging panel ever assembled will assess each and every one of the videos. They will establish the final standing per country and gender, identifying those who can then take the next step towards the BAYOG: by competing in one of three continental qualifiers held in fall/winter 2017. But they also provide each b-boy/girl with personalised feedback on his/her performance, making stage one qualifying a learning experience for those who cannot continue the journey.

Only once this process has concluded in early August, WDSF informs the National Olympic Committees and, where applicable, its own National Member Bodies of the names of the qualified breakers. While their total number can be projected with a reasonable degree of accuracy, the one for participation in the first stage is subject only to speculation.

Even though this “global casting call” in search of the best 12 b-boys and the best 12 b-girls to compete in the Breaking Events (B-Boys, B-Girls, Mixed Team) at BAYOG is entirely without precedent, WDSF and its partners are committed to cope with whatever the workload may be.

WDSF President Lukas Hinder comments today's launch of the www.breakingforgold platform: "We were on a steep learning curve when it came to the development of the technology and the legal requirements associated with the digital qualifying process. But the curve was even steeper when it came to addressing the b-boys and b-girls at large in the appropriate form and style."

Here are the step-by-step instructions for you to record a 45-second video featuring your best breaking moves and to submit it to our judges ... With a view to being one of the 24 b-boys/girls who will be breaking at the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games.

NeisA99SKqI|How To | Take Step One Towards The BAYOG!

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