With every day that passes, the likelihood that the expulsion of the Russian DanceSport Union (RDSU) from membership in the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) - as it was decided by the 2016 WDSF General Meeting - will become effective from 31 October 2016 increases further.
However, the words of WDSF President Lukas Hinder should give the Russian dancers assurance that WDSF brand DanceSport will continue to exist in their country - even after the possible expulsion of RDSU. The scenarion was discussed in a conversation betweem Ashli Williamson (Ashli), the chair of the WDSF Athletes' Commission, and President Hinder (THE PREZ) in September. Although Hinder was wrong in his assumption then that the GrandSlam Moscow would take place as scheduled, he cannot be wrong here: this development depends on WDSF alone!
Ashli: It is a delicate matter and a difficult situation. We discussed it among the athletes and the Athletes’ Commission. From the chair of the commission I came with a statement at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in reference to the Russian situation. To the extent that if there were any problems within the Russian Federation that Russian dancers would still be able to participate in all championships and WDSF competitions and to ensure that the political situation would not affect the dancers.
THE PREZ: As you know there has been a very serious internal conflict in Russia and this has created significant problems for DanceSport in Russia and our Member Body, the Russian DanceSport Union. Of course we have always sought to support the Russian Sports Ministry and the NOC in this difficult situation, but circumstances inside Russia have become intolerable for our athletes and officials.
After some two years of these conflicts continuing, WDSF’s members at our AGM in Rome in June this year overwhelmingly agreed with the WDSF Presidium that the opposing groups needed to unify under RDSU in the interests of DanceSport, the athletes and officials by 31 October 2016. If this unification is not achieved under RDSU by that date, then the WDSF Presidium is obliged by the AGM vote to expel RDSU and take over the administration of Russian athletes, adjudicators and officials for a period of time.
We encourage our Russian friends to do all that they need to do so that WDSF is not obliged to intervene. However, if a solution is not found by 31 October, WDSF will act.
Please be assured that the Presidium and I will not let down our Russian athletes, adjudicators and officials. We will take care of them and do whatever is necessary that international DanceSport will continue for Russia for as long as it is necessary under the WDSF administration. Whatever the costs!
... Believe me, at the end of October, Russian DanceSport will still exist. It has a future. Great athletes in a great DanceSport country! All that cannot be destroyed just because a few egos do not have the guts to bring about real change. This is my statement to you, to all athletes and to the officals in the RDSU executives.