WDSF President Lukas Hinder circulated an exhaustive report on everything that had happened during the week of the 2016 SportAccord Convention to his colleagues on the Presidium.
Ashli Williamson, who attended in her capacity as the chair of the WDSF Athletes' Commission, updated the followers of this website in three earlier posts. Two of them can be found here!
Here is the final chapter to her "Lausanne Diary" ...
High level overview of the week of Sport Accord 2016...
There is no doubt that the last 5 days have been incredibly intense and demanding for everyone involved. However, I can honestly say that we have been inspired by the progress that has been made this week for DanceSport.
From the AGM's for International World Games Association (IWGA), Association for IOC recognized international Sports Federations (ARISF) International Masters Games Association (IMGA), SportAccord Convention and SportAccord General Assembly, it has been an amazing week of networking, high level meetings and lobbying for DanceSport. To observe how DanceSport is so positively perceived.
One of the most significant aspects of this week was witnessing he power of networking and long term relations.
The ability and contacts of Lukas Hinder, President, being in The World Games over 20 years and Jean-Laurant, consultant for the WDSF, who worked for the IOC for almost 15 years. This meant that we could speak with virtually all IOC, NOC and IF representatives in a very relaxed and informal atmosphere. This, I am learning more and more is something that cannot be bought, taught or given. It's done through retaining principles of integrity throughout all dealings. You can fake it for a short period and promise things you can't deliver, but this is short lived and not sustainable.
I also learned for the first time that our Treasurer Tony Tilenni, from my home country Perth, Western Australia has been a non paid member of the presidium for almost 30 years!!! A volunteer that's works diligently for the athletes and the sport for so many years, I think is just incredible. He has been supporting 5 different presidents throughout his time in the presidium.
As I travel back to Denmark, tired but full of hope for the future of DanceSport I ponder over a week of so much active, inactivity :)
I look forward to getting back to practice!!!
Until next time, I'll see you all around soon.