Through Saturday 26 March 11 p.m. UTC/GMT, all Youth/U-21 dancers are able to cast their votes for one of the three candidates standing for election to the Athletes' Commission. Find out more about the electoral process here.
We have invited all three candidates to present themselves to the electorate with a short write-up that is published here. In this context, we remind Jan Janzen that we are still waiting to receive his! It is slated for publication tomorrow!
Here is Justyna's letter to the voters!
Dear dancers,
I aspire to become a member of the WDSF Athletes' Commission as the Youth and U-21 representative.
I am currently attending foreign languages- and social studies-oriented classes at a Higher Secondary School in Warsaw.
I am a volunteer for - and a recipient of a scholarship from - a foundation named after John Paul II.
I have 26 Polish Champion titles to my account and, starting from the Junior II age group, I have represented Poland in international competitions. Because of that I have had the opportunity to be in quite a few finals of World and European Championships. I was World Vice-Champion in Ten Dance twice and second runner-up in another two World Championships Ten Dance. I also won the German Open Championship in Youth Standard in 2015 and I finished in 1st in the WDSF World Ranking 2015 for Youth Standard.
I have seen how everything works with my own eyes and I think I could give a helping hand to improve the WDSF systems further and to solve some of the dancers' problems.
I belong to honest, responsible and open people, that is why I think I would fit perfectly into this position. Because of the fact that I often take part in competitions around the world, I also meet high-level athletes with whom I regularly exchange opinions about the organisation of important competitions and about WDSF Rules. As a mediator between competitors and the WDSF Presidium, I hope that I will be able to contribute to the improvement of the WDSF system, making it easier and more satisfying for everybody. I would be proud if I could have the chance to serve as the Youth and U-21 representative.
Many thanks!
Yours faithfully,
Justyna Możdżonek