First, we apologise to all those who didn't not get to enjoy the live stream that the Bassano Open organisers had arranged from their competitions. The number of viewers seemed to have exceeded their capacities and - as a consequence - many were not able to watch the World Cup Standard yesterday evening. To the organisers: when you ask us to embed your stream on this website you automatically assume a responsibility towards its visitors - and they are numerous. If you cannot guarantee the capacities required, you better not ask us to embed/promote!
From the first edition of the Imperia Cup in Moscow we received a steady flow of great photographs from our contributor Marina Melnikova. We have uploaded some of them to our gallery here and some onto our Facebook page.
If this weekend was busy, just imagine the next - when we report on the two GrandSlams and other competitions taking place in Helsinki, FIN, between 4 and 6 March. The "Live from Helsinki" blog will go up on Thursday 3 March.
Apologies In Order