After Carlos Freitag had stepped down as WDSF President and Lukas Hinder had assumed the office on Day One of the Presidium Meeting in Barcelona, ESP, an election for the position of First Vice-President that Hinder had left vacant was held on Day Two.
The new WDSF President nominated Canadian lawer Jim Fraser, a member of the Presidium since 1998, for election as his successor. Standing unopposed, Jim was elected by a vast majority.
In his acceptance speech, Jim emphasised that as an Ordinary Member he had stood for confidence, good governance, rule of law and the willingness to listen, and that he would uphold the same values in his new capacity too.
WDSF President Hinder then also extended an invitation to Michael Eichert, the Second Vice-President of WDSF, to henceforth take part in the meetings of the five-member Managing Committee and to contribute his expertise to the committee's work.