No "superb subscription package," no "weekly pass" and no "platinum membership," ... this one is on the house. We have decided to release the one-hour programme that covers the final of the World Showdance Standard in Chengdu, CHN, through VIMEO - the platform that serves as our payment-based video-on-demand service - but this time absolutely free of charge.
We hope you will enjoy the 6-camera production and conclude that watching on VIMEO is quite different from the YouTube experience ... We recommend that you give the "Couch Mode" a try and that you join VIMEO yourself. That is completely free too!
Then we would also appreciate if you would subscribe to DanceSport Total Plus - that's WDSF on VIMEO - and return regularly to see what's new there.
Just below is the link to the FINAL REEL ... And belown that is a trailer for you to take a first look!