Last week in Lausanne, SUI, IOC President Thomas Bach first presented a set of 40 (20+20) recommendations making up the Olympic Agenda 2020 to a round table of athletes. Many of them had actively contributed to the year-long process that aimed at establishing a roadmap for the future of the Olympic Movement.
During the public launch of the recommendations at The Olympic Museum in Lausanne, President Bach called the 20+20 proposals “the culmination of a year of open, transparent and widespread debate and discussion, which had already begun in mid-2013.”
“These 40 recommendations are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle,” he added.“When you put them together, a picture emerges that shows the IOC safeguarding the uniqueness of the Olympic Games and strengthening sport in society.”
The crucial recommendation for DanceSport as well as all the other IOC recognised sports aspiring a place on the Olympic Programme should be the changes to the procedure for the composition of latter. The Agenda presents proposals for a more flexible approach by adopting an event-based rather than a sport-based approach to the composition of the programme, while retaining the limit on the number of athletes participating.
Another recommendation that could affect DanceSport addresses the collaboration between the IOC and other multi-sport organisations - such as the International World Games Association - in the composition of the sports programme. DanceSport has been on the programme of The World Games since 1997 and excelled in many was during the most recent editions.