Ooops! Altogether 15 of the 48 films in 5 categories selected from 150+ entries have been screened in Baku, AZE. No further screenings are scheduled. Plus: "Do your dance" competes in the category "Sport and World" (and not as mentioned earlier in "Sport and Personality") ...
Most importantly, the awards will be presented TODAY (and not tomorrow as we had assumed) ... The Chairman of the Jury Dr Florian Endre Gabor, HUN, and FÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE CINÉMA TÉLÉVISION SPORTIFS President Prof Franco Ascani, ITA, will be the ones to announce "And the winner is ..." just a few hours from now. ... Cross your fingers and stay tuned!
Here you have "Do your dance" director Pedro Toro interviewing one of the film's main protagonists, the Italian Paolo Bosco, during the 2014 German Open Championships in Stuttgart.