There were altogether four competitions that the "Live from Stuttgart" blog focused on over the five daus of the German Open.
2014 WDSF PD Super GrandPrix Standard Stuttgart
2014 WDSF PD Super GrandPrix Latin Stuttgart
2014 WDSF GrandSlam Latin Stuttgart
2014 WDSF GrandSlam Standard Stuttgart
Between all four competitions, visitors to this blog were - and will be - able to enjoy the following coverage.
144 clips recorded by Ferran Castanyer of individual couples dancing in the early rounds were posted on the WDSF YouTube channel and the "Live from Stuttgart" blog.
556 photographs taken by Dr Helmut Roland were added to the Gallery.
Four 90-minute programmes on the semi-final and final rounds produced between WDSF Communications and host broadcasters Schawa TV or SWR were (will be) made available through the WDSF on-demand service.
We definitely managed to up the benchmark for total coverage again. Its quality should be better than ever before. And now it's up to you to signal whether you want us to continue this way by watching our four highlights through the WDSF on-demand service.