Dear Guests,
This year the WDSF Managing Committee decided to get back to already
established traditional WDSF Forum, the day before the AGM. The 2022 WDSF AGM
will take place online as you already know, the Forum will be held online as well
and will last approximately 1.5 hours.
The WDSF Forum will start at 13:00CET (Central European Time) as this is the
most convenient time zone for all continent and will be held on Saturday, 11 June 2022.
Agenda for the meeting:
- WDSF President, Mr. Shawn Tay introduction speech
- 65th Anniversary
- New STD&LAT disciplines presentation
- MoU World Salsa Festival (Colombia) Presentation
- Breaking for Gold Logo Official Presentation
- Presentation of new Protocol for official flag, anthem, country code, country name and country official denomination
- NMBs Presentation
- Olympic Qualifier Series (OQS) Presentation
- WDSF Anthem
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