WDSF Communication team members told us from Aarhus, that the competition is going nicely and the atmosphere is great!
Adjudicators are doing great work and we are ready to start the semifinal rounds.
Here are the European Ten Dance Championship semifinalists:
Errol Willliamson and Ami Williamson, Denmark
Gelb Bannikov and Ada Varstala, Finland
Jean-Francois Gueudry and Ilmira Yarullina, France
Nicolo Barbizi and Sara Ros Jakobsdottir, Iceland
Einoras Degutis and Ugne Bliujute, Lithuania
Oskar Hemmelmayr and Rosetta Kats, Netherlands
Anelise Christina Isaincu and Michele Albigese, Romania
Semen Khrzhanovskiy and Elizaveta Lykhina, Russia
Matej Stec and Elena Popova, Slovakia
Akim Pekunov and Masa Kastelic, Slovenia
Edgar Sztuce Vel Stuzmania and Gemma Dominguez, Spain
Earle Williamson and Veronika Myshko, Ukraine
Follow the ECH Aarhus on our FB and IG! Videos coming up as soon as we are able to start uploading!
It´s getting excited!