"Dancing With The Stars" (DWTS) is a hugely successful television property in many countries around the world. Originally created by the BBC, it is currently licensed to approximately 50 countries and a perennial audience leader in such important markets as the United States.
An official online game is also licensed by the BBC since 2012. "DWTS: Keep Dancing" has gamers create their avatars, pick their partners and put together winning choreographies.
As one reviewer puts it: "You will then be prompted to go to the studio where you begin dance practice. As you’re guided through the basics you see your avatar and pro interacting just as the couples actually do on the show! You’ll practise a few samba moves first and earn coins to buy more steps and other cool stuff. When you’ve progressed to the point of performance, you get to choose the costumes and stage lighting. After competing, you get judged on practice, performance, and presentation and receive judges’ scores from their iconic scoring paddles."
"DWTS: Keep Dancing" is available in several different languages. Below are a few "Making Of" pictures ...