People were whispering about Bjorn Bitsch and Ashli Williamson and their possible retirement from the competition floors. We heard the rumours and wanted to set the record straight, and just like always, the couple was more than willing to tell us what’s going on, as they have already answered the same questions to many.
In short, there are two more competitions for Bjorn and Ashli, the 2019 WDSF PD World Championship ShowDance Standard next week in Germany and the 2019 WDSF PD World Championship Ten Dance a week after that in Portugal. These two competitions are the last two with Bjorn and Ashli on the starting list, and the couple will retire from competitions after the PD World Ten Dance on November 9th.
Two-times European Champions and eight times World Champions say goodbye to the heat of active competing, and they do it just like they started their careers, in Ten Dance. For 17 years they have been dancing together, and by finishing the circle with Ten Dance they want to inspire the younger generations to not to feel the need for specializing to one discipline too early in order to have a great career.
We would like to thank Bjorn and Ashli for being so open and sharing this news with us. Although we will be sad to hear them leaving the competition floors, we are not going to say goodbye to them, and we are looking forward to the events in Dresden and Vila Nova de Famalicao!