Magic Ball in Karlsruhe, Germany, set the stage for the 2019 PD European Championship Latin. 36 couples from 15 nations had come to compete for the title. After three rounds six couples had been qualified. And the results are ...
1st place: Gabriele Goffredo - Anna Matus / Moldova
2nd place: Marts Smolko - Tina Bazykina / Latvia
3rd place: Vincenzo Marinello - Sara Casini / Italy
4th place: Alexandr Shmonin - Maria Shmonina / Russian Federation
5th place: Bogdan Boie - Natalia Luciv / Moldova
6th place: Mario Cecinati - Rosaria Messina Denaro / Italy
The interview with the 2019 PD European Champions Latin ...
The video of the final will follow soon.