It has been interesting two weeks. With a slow start Dmitry and Olga started climbing up the numbers and now they are really on the verge of continuing to top 10 - or to be the first ones to be cut from the final shortlist.
We are talking about a margin of only about 100 votes.
Surely we can all make the effort and vote for the couple today. To vote for DanceSport.
Because today, at 21:00 CET there will be a cut - only the ten with the most votes will continue to run for the World Games Athlete of the Year 2018 -title.
Let's do this, together! Let's do it for the four-times World Champions. Let's do it for DanceSport!
Vote here!
If you are wondering what this all is about, take a look at these two previous articles:
Article 1: Dmitry and Olga nominated for AOTY voting
Article 2: Vote for Dmitry and Olga
Last moments to vote