The concept premiered in August 2017, with the first side-by-side of street basketball - staged under the auspices of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) - and WDSF breaking during the Lausanne Masters of the FIBA 3x3 World Tour. The 3x3 Utsunomiya Masters takes up from there.
In Utsunomiya, Japan, the second Masters of the the 2018 FIBA World Tour, top-level 3x3 basketball and breaking will once more feature jointly on the programme of the tournament.
Eight b-boys have been invited to battle it out for glory and a purse during day one, 28 July 2018, of the Utsunomiya Masters. Four b-boys from Japan and four from three other Asian countries will go up against each other:
B-Boy Cheno, THA
B-Boy Gen Roc, JPN
B-Boy Kill Joe, JPN
B-Boy Kohei, JPN
B-Boy Luka, TPE
B-Boy Nicolas, JPN
B-Boy Noodle, KOR
B-Boy Shinobi, KOR
The battles are scheduled in two blocks.
- Top 8 at 04:35 UTC/GMT
- Top 4 at 06:25 UTC/GMT
You will be able to follow the battles live during the day-one webcast embedded below.