"You are now able to harvest the first fruit from your collaboration with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) through your sport's participation in the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games!" This was one of the first statements made by IOC President Thomas in his address opening the WDSF Forum on the eve of the 2018 General Meeting in Lausanne, SUI.
Bach came to the Olympic Museum auditorium in the company of the IOC Sports Director, Kit McConnell, and he came at 09:30, a time he professed, "when I am usually not disposed to speak much." All in all he spent just over one hour with the WDSF General Meeting delegates and observers, taking numerous questions from members of the audience.
We will report at greater length about IOC President Bach's speech shortly.
We will also provide you with some of the presentations that were made to the Forum in the course of the day.
Address by President Bach