WDSF Communications team member Reinhard Egli travelled to Boeblingen - near Stuttgart, in the south of Germany - to cover the 2018 WDSF PD European DanceSport Championship Latin. He filed this report:
The professionals fought for the title of European Champions Latin during the eighth edition of the "Boeblinger Tanzgala." In a sold-out Congress Hall, it was more than obvious from the first dance in the first round that the favourites and current world #1s in the PD Latin rankings, Gabriele Goffredo and Anna Matus, MDA, would be the couple to beat for others holding aspirations.
In the end, it was without any serious challenges and with record-high scores that the two Moldovans added their first PD European title to the one - yes, only one, in 2016 - they won before turning professional. It was a landslide victory as the first runners-up Marts Smolko - Tina Bazykina, LAT, were nine points and second runners-up Giacomo Lucchese - Francesca Berard, ITA, 17 points behind the new European Champions. Check the official results!
Our colleague Helmut Roland briefed someone on the use of his video camera (he and his wife Eleonore had to dance this weekend). Provided it all worked out, we should have recordings coming up too. More on that soon.