"B-Girls Serena Paredes and Valeria Gonzalez, together with B-Boys Ignacio Mercado and Mariano Carvajal, are vying for the two quota places available for Argentina, the host country of the Youth Olympic Games."
This is how the organisers of the Buenos Aires 2018 YOG (BAYOG) start a lengthy article on the four members of the Argentine breaking squad getting ready to be at their best when these quota places will get awarded. This May - in Kawasaki!
What a write-up: 1250 words! And the reporting on the two b-girls and two b-boys extends from the official BAYOG website to several posts on the BAYOG social media too, with excellent videos enhancing the compelling story on four breakers wanting to be in Buenos Aires this October with all their heart.
"Limitations live only in our minds. If we use our imagination, our possibilities are without limits!"
Serena Paredes - Quote or Motto