At its meeting held one year ago in Barcelona, ESP, the WDSF Presidium voted unanimously to install Thomas "Tommy" Shaughnessy to the newly-created employment position of Sports Director. In order to fill his new role, Tommy committed to take on an enormous workload from one day to the next and to convert the living room of his house in Dublin, IRL, into the global hub for all sports matters of WDSF.
When Tommy had to undergo emergency treatment following a breakdown during the German Open Championships in Stuttgart, there were many who brought this in the context of stress brought about by his new professional assignment. Even though he recovered rapidly and was back on the job only two weeks later, Tommy eventually decided to reduce the levels of stress by presenting his resignation to members of the Presidium on 12 January 2018.
Today's Presidium meeting in Bucharest, ROU, acknowledged the significant contributions made by Tommy over the past year by rising for a standing ovation. WDSF President Lukas Hinder will contact him to convey the sincerest thanks on behalf of WDSF and its executive.