There is an alternative way to secure your place in the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games. Why not sign up as a volunteer? The Organising Committee is recruiting volunteers aged 18 and older for a variety of tasks!
As the organisers say, "All tasks are significant; all responsibilities are key. There is a place waiting for you. Be a Buenos Aires 2018 volunteer. Be part of the history."
Maybe we should add the following information too!
The volunteer's task is ad-honorem.
The accommodation or travel expenses of the volunteers are not paid for by the Organising Committee.
Public transport will be free for volunteers during the Games.
You will receive a snack and lunch or dinner depending on your schedule.
You will wear an Olympic Youth uniform.
When the Games are over you will receive two digital certificates; one for the training you received and another for your participation in the volunteer program.
Sign up