Shafar, Nadjaya and Nassim Delgado threw in their hats to tackle the biggest challenge in their young breaking careers: they submitted individual videos to in order to qualify for the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic (2018 YOG)
B-Boy Hytek, B-Girl Nadjaya and B-Boy Kid Force recorded a set with their best moves each, uploaded the files – including the signed parental consent forms – and were all set to wait for the judges to assess them in early August.
That’s when we decided to call them on Skype. After all, three siblings (B-Girld Nadjaya and B-Boy Kid Force are twins) trying to make it to the 2018 YOG is an unusual story by any standard. We wanted to know more right away!
How did you find out about “Breaking for Gold” and the 2018 YOG?
B-Boy Hytek: Danny “Infms” Rodríguez of the X-Fenz Crew told us about it. We didn’t take long to decide that this could be for us. Then it was just a a matter of shooting our videos.
You know that maximum one B-Boy and one B-Girl will be able to represent the USA in Buenos Aires. And there are three of you?
B-Girl Nadjaya: Not a problem at all! The third one would support the other two. Whoever makes the U.S. team will get the support of the crew as a whole.
Who are the b-boys/girls you admire the most?
B-Girl Nadjaya: B-Boy Pocket, I just love his powermoves.
B-Boy Kid Force: I like B-Boy Tata very much.
B-Boy Hytek: I have two. B-Boy Lil J and B-Boy Neguin!
Do you know any of the judges on the “Breaking for Gold” panel?
B-Boy Hytek: For sure! B-Boy Crazy Legs! He is also from New York City and very famous.
B-Girl Nadjaya: I know one of the b-girl judges. I don’t recall her name right now. I admire her breaking.
What makes you guys different from other breakers and crews?
B-Girl Nadjaya: Well, I would say it is our history as Street Justice Crew (ED: a crew founed by their father Robert in the 1980s) and the fact that we all do our own choreographies.
What will the 2018 YOG do to breaking?
B-Boy Hytek: I think being in the Olympics is positive for breaking. It will become more visible and popular that way. I believe that everybody involved stands to benefit from that.
Are you looking to the future beyond the 2018 YOG?
B-Boy Hytek: Yes, I do. But first I would like to make it to Argentina. Afterwards we have the 2024 Olympics which could end up being held in Los Angeles. I would be 24 years old by then. Competing in the U.S. would be the ultimate!
Hobbies/passions other than breaking?
B-Girl Nadjaya: Jewellery, fashion and music – I play the alto sax. I tumble too.
B-Boy Hytek: All sports, music. I also play the alto sax.
B-Boy Kid Force: I play the trumpet, I like to read and I do sports: track and field.
Thanks, guys! May the producers of the Olympic Channel contact you too for an interview? Plus: may we use some of the photos and videos on your social media to make this story more visual?
All: Sure, we would be glad to talk the Olympic Channel people. Pleases use whatever you find on our social media.
Did you fix up the basement?
B-Girl Nadjaya: Everybody seems to ask us that question. Yes, we did!
Watch them on the Ellen DeGeners Show to get the drift!